Monday, October 22, 2012

Mentor now hosting 'Ghost Tours'

Mentor now is hosting “Ghost Tours,” the city’s manufacturing firms are down but jobs are up, and major construction work is ending for the season on Route 2. Those are among the highlights in the latest, weekly city manager report to City Council:

Manager Comments 
• A new Ghost Tours series has been added to the Recreation Department. Tours will be led by Dale Vokurka of the Mentor Ohio Paranormal Research Society at 6, 8:30 and 11 p.m., Friday at Mentor Cemetery, Saturday at Mentor Lagoons and Sunday at Mentor Cemetery at, and at 5:30 and 8 p.m., Nov. 1, at Wildwood. The cost is $15 for residents and $19 for nonresidents. Registration is required.

•Tony Zampedro, Matt Schweikert, and I met again with representatives of the State Auditor’s Office to review a draft of a Public Works Shared Services Agreement prepared for Lake County communities interested in participating in the pilot capital equipment utilization program. A final version will be presented to the Lake County Mayors and Managers Association later this year and then to the individual communities for consideration.

Police Department
• Two males were arrested for discharging a firearm within the city after they were found to be target-shooting in the backyard of 6908 Hopkins Road. One suspect was shooting a .22 caliber rifle and the other suspect was shooting a 9mm pistol. They were shooting into a composite pile, which was in a gully behind the residence.

• Tires on six vehicles were punctured in the Headlands on Oct. 15 around 7 p.m. All of the vehicles were located on Wake Robin or Woodridge. The patrol division is currently investigating the incidents and increasing patrols in the area.

Fire Department
• On Oct. 15 at 10:41 a.m., the fire department responded to Rosemary for a gas leak. Fire crews arrived on scene to learn that city workers struck a 3-inch gas main while digging with a backhoe. Their area was monitored and isolated until Dominion crews could shut off the main. There were no injuries or evacuations and fire crews returned to service at 12:46 p.m.

• On Oct. 15 at 10:48 p.m., paramedics were called to a suspected heroin overdose. Reportedly, the patient was unconscious at the time of the call. Patient was found awake and denied any drug use and denied medical treatment. The scene was then turned over to the police for their investigation.

• A preconstruction meeting was held Oct. 16 for the Station Street Resurfacing and Drainage Improvements project. Karvo Paving is the contractor for this project. Storm sewer work is scheduled to begin the week of Oct. 22. The project has a June 2013 completion date; however, with cooperation from the weather, the contractor is hoping the work may be completed this fall. Updates will be provided as the project moves forward.

• SR 2 Widening – ODOT’s contractor has completed paving operations for this year. The remaining section of SR 2 will be paved in the spring. Clean-up work continues throughout the project area. The Engineering Department has been working with ODOT and their contractor over the last few weeks to clarify striping and signage issues on Heisley Road and Center Street. Striping changes occurred this week. Additional striping of the pavement throughout the project limits will continue with final striping to occur in the spring. Signage is expected to be in place within the next two weeks with the exception of the overhead lane use signage requested by the city. Overhead sign supports are being designed by ODOT and will be added to the project at a later date, subject to the availability of the support poles.

Economic and Community Development
• Mentor experienced a decline of 18 manufacturing firms, but an increase of 922 jobs from June 2011 to July 2012. The 2013 Harris Ohio Industrial Directory compiled by Harris Infosource no longer compiles information at the state or county level.

• Tom Thielman attended the Lake County Development Council’s monthly luncheon. Kevin Malecek, CEO of the Mentor Area Chamber of Commerce, gave a presentation about Lake County and how it holds the key to the Presidential election.

Parks and Recreation Department
• Seven teams will participate this weekend in the Women’s Twister Hockey Tournament. Teams will be coming from Alabama, St. Louis, Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York. 

• Upcoming events include Family Scarecrow Day at the Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve & Marina on Saturday, the Wildwood Quilt Guild 23rd Annual Small Quilt Show & Sale at the Mentor Senior Center on Nov. 4 and the Kalahari Getaway, Nov. 9.

• Last week, employment offers were made to Brian Distelrath and Matt Jacob for patrolmen positions with the city. This fills two of three open patrolmen positions. We are pleased to have them on board and we look forward to getting the department up to full strength.

• New Career Firefighter/Paramedic Mike Toman will be sworn-in on Tuesday by Judge Trebets in Mentor Municipal Court. Mike has been a part-time firefighter/paramedic with the department since 2005.  

• Throughout the entire year, State representatives have been holding dialogue sessions with interested parties directed toward the goal of implementing local income tax uniformity. The risk of suffering revenue loss without any remedy is the main concern shared amongst municipalities. Presently, we have not been provided with any draft bill or legislative language; however, it is possible that legislation may be introduced sometime before the end of the year.

Public Works Department
• Completed siding repairs at Ice Arena
• Aqua Ohio relocated fire hydrant at Ice Arena
• Storm sewer inspection/cleaning - SR 84 from Brentwood to Ashton Ct., Steeplechase area and Ashton Ct.
• Storm sewer repair - Farley and Rosemary
• Completed drainage assistance project - Magnolia/Tall Oaks
• Right-of-way improvement - S. Shandle
• Crack sealing - Center Street
• Dura patching - Chillicothe
• Inlet basin rebuilds - Whalers Cove, Delhaven
• Sign reflectivity upgrades - ongoing
• Repair school property from IBIM damage
• Disposed of 11 dead deer from public r-o-w

-- Betsy Scott,, @ReporterBetsy


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