A Mentor intersection you might want to avoid til Sept.
Manager Comments
• On March 22, major construction was initiated beneath the SR 2 bridge on SR 615. The net effect of this construction will be to reduce north and southbound traffic from three lanes to two lanes in each direction. Traffic back-ups will be particularly pronounced during the morning and evening rush hour. The result of the project will be a resurfacing of Center Street and the addition of a second left turn lane in each direction for traffic entering SR 2 eastbound and westbound. Although the contractor has indicated that they will attempt to expedite construction, the project is anticipated to be completed by mid-September.
• The Engineering & Building Department has completed the design and assembly of bid books for the Corduroy Road Streetscape Improvement Project. This project will use CDBG funds to improve approximately 375 feet of the right of way streetscape of Corduroy Rd. in the vicinity of the Headlands IGA market. The existing tree lawn will be improved with grass, sidewalk and street trees. Bids are to be opened April 5.
• On March 20, the city experienced a widespread power outage due to a substation problem. Dispatch was flooded with calls for service and inquires regarding the outage. The power was restored in less then an hour and none of the calls proved to be significant in nature.
• On Thursday morning, the expansion to the lagoons marina boat ramp was installed. Two large (20 x18 ft) precast concrete sections weighing 20,000 lbs each were maneuvered into place alongside our existing ramp. The approach area to the new ramp addition should be poured next Tuesday with it being ready to use by the second week of April.
Fire Department
• The department responded to two more heroin overdoses. The first was on March 16 and the second was reported on March 19. Both patients were treated by paramedics and transported to Lake Health West Hospital.
• The Fire Department received reimbursement payment from Dominion East Ohio in the amount of $29,775 for the emergency response and expenses incurred during the Fairport Harbor fire emergency on Jan. 24.
Police Department
• On March 20, a female was stopped driving a vehicle because the male passenger in the car was hitting her in the head (NOT SMART TO DO IN FRONT OF POLICE -- Editor’s note). The officer discovered an open beer in the car along with two juvenile children. The female was intoxicated and was arrested for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, child endangering, open container, possession of drug paraphernalia and no child safety seats for the children. The male was charged with domestic violence and had a warrant for his arrest with Willoughby Hills for failing to appear for a possession of marijuana charge. The female has a previous charge for child endangering.
• Over the St. Patrick’s Day weekend, the Police Department arrested 6 people for OVI and 3 people for disorderly/public intoxication.
Parks and Recreation Department
• The work has started to replace the concrete floor of the Walsh Park Shelter. The floor had severe cracking and heaving.
• New electric circuits have been installed in the jail. This installation will eliminate the circuits blowing on a regular basis and the collection of extension cords can now be eliminated.
• Last week, Black Brook Golf Course had over 200 rounds of golf in one day. Re-opening and dedication of the new practice center is 10 a.m., May 5.
• Superintendent Paul Hegreness has been busy working with the United States Tennis Association on securing a grant to rehab the tennis courts at Civic Center.
• The Lake County Visitor’s Bureau has assembled a Program Committee to review how the Visitor’s Bureau operates and who the members are and how to best meet the needs of those members. Program Manager Jill Korsok has been asked and accepted a position on the committee. The Lake County Visitor’s Bureau has changed its name to Think Lake County.
• The Ice of March Hockey Tournament and Hockey Time’s tournament were held recently at Civic Ice Arena.
• With the grass growing, seasonal employees at the cemetery and Lagoons were called back to work early to get started with clean-up.
Economic and Community Development
• A. Bruckman, R. Traub, R. Spence & B. Ashurst met with a representative of Chagrin River Watershed Partners and a facilitator from CSU to evaluate the group’s effectiveness in its dealings with the City.
• Traub & J. Loftus, Lake County Port Authority met with representatives of NAI Daus, a local brokerage company regarding their experience with development on an “active” airport property.
• Traub met with an existing Mentor business regarding a prospective relocation.
Engineering and Building Department
• Plaza Blvd. Roadway Extension Project: Bid books have been assembled for the demolition of a storage building on Plaza Blvd. as part of the Plaza Blvd. Roadway Extension Project. Bids will be opened on April 6 for this project.
Finance Department
• A training session on Ohio’s Sunshine Laws and Records Management and Retention is being offered by the Office of the Ohio Attorney General.
• On March 21, several Ohio representatives held a press conference to announce the formation of the Municipal Income Tax Uniformity Coalition and the goals of the coalition in seeking legislative changes to areas of non-uniform practices in the application of local municipal taxes.
Public Works Department
• Eclipse Company will continue with Tyler Blvd. inlet basin repairs on Wednesday.
• The Public Works activity highlights this week were: Baseball fields – grooming all infields; WWC – garden project, water supply and fence install is 50% complete; Garfield Road – crack sealing, complete from Rt. 20 to Rt. 84; UPS (uninterrupted power supply) testing at 11 intersections is complete; Stop sign reflectivity upgrades and mapping – ongoing; 9030 Terrace Park – storm sewer repair – complete; 6484 Antoinette – storm sewer repair – complete; 7575 Bellflower – storm sewer repair – complete; and Farmington Meadows (Bellflower Ext. area) storm sewer cleaning.
-- Betsy Scott, BScott@News-Herald.com, @ReporterBetsy